Saturday, June 11, 2011

Emery's First Portrait

Here is a picture of Emery's chubby face!!
Tyler and I were able to get an ultrasound last Thursday and it was so fun to see how much the baby has grown. It is amazing what goes on inside there! We were able to see her face, her eyes open and close and her moving around. The doctor measured her head and bones and it came out that she is already 6.9 pounds.........holy moly!  I was like, does that mean that she is going to weigh 10 pounds.....because, I am not prepared to have a 10 pound baby!! She better slow down, or I am going to be really scare. Tyler and I want a chubby, healthy baby, but I will be happy with a nice average 7 1/2 pounder. haha.

Tyler and I have made some MAJOR progress the past two weekends. We were able to get most of the room set up, baby clothes washed and put in the closet and drawers. I loved washing Emery's little, tiny outfits, socks, and blanky's. Now we are just waiting on the crib bedding and getting some stuff on the walls and we will be completely ready....well, not completey! haha. I will make sure to post some pictures of the finished project. We only have 3 1/2 more weeks to go and we are so excited to finally meet baby Emery, but I think both Tyler and I need those last few weeks to get mentally prepared. Oh boy....or should I say, oh girl. <3

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